Crocodile keychain


We offer to weave an original keychain made of beads in the shape of a crocodile in parallel weave. It will suit any set of keys, giving them an attractive and fun look. To weave such a keychain, we will definitely need a white bead fishing line with a diameter of 0.35 mm and a length of 120 cm, as well as size 8 beads of white and red colors, larger beads - 1 golden color for the nose and 2 black colors for the eyes.

We start weaving a keychain from the nose. To do this, we string golden bead and one white bead on one end of the fishing line, and thread the other end of the fishing line through white bead. Next we tighten the fishing line, distributing the beads in the middle.

Then we collect 2 red beads in the same way and tighten. We also collect two white beads and tighten.

We continue to collect beads on the fishing line and weave the keychain as follows: 2 red and tighten, 3 white and tighten, 3 red and tighten.

Then again 3 white, 3 red and 4 white. We tighten each row well. Then weave a row in which there will be eyes from black beads - we collect 1 red bead, 1 black, 1 red, 1 black and 1 red. Tighten.

After the eyes, weave the crocodile’s neck - we collect 4 white, tighten the fishing line, then 3 red, tighten. Further weaving continues as follows: 3 white, tighten, 4 red, tighten, 4 white, tighten and 4 red, tighten.

We begin to make rows in which the legs of the crocodile will be woven. First, we collect 4 red and 1 white beads on one end of the fishing line, then we pass the end through the red ones, leaving white and tighten.

On the other hand, we are doing the same actions.

After a row with paws, weave a row of torso: we collect 4 white beads and tighten, then 5 red and tighten, then 5 white, tighten, 5 red, tighten. We weave a row with a second pair of paws: we collect 4 red and 1 white beads on one end of the fishing line, thread the fishing line through the red ones and tighten. Similarly weave the last foot.

After a row with the last pair of legs, we string 4 white beads on a fishing line and tighten, then 4 red beads and also tighten. Then 3 white, 3 red, 2 white, 2 red and again 2 white. After each set of beads do not forget to tighten the row. We complete the weaving of the crocodile tail in the form of a circle for engaging keys. To do this, we collect 13 beads on one end of the fishing line, alternating white and red, and tie at least three times.

After tying up the fishing line and cutting off its ends at least 5 mm, it is necessary to singe a fire for fixing.
Our keychain is ready, it took about 40 minutes to weave this souvenir.

If you replace beads of size No. 8 with a larger size, for example, with No. 6, you get a larger crocodile. Experiment with colors and the size of the beads, in any case, you will get a very original and unique souvenir of interesting design.


Watch the video: TurboBeads: Crocodile Tutorial (January 2025).