Original decoration for a stylish girl


All girls know the situation when, under a beautiful outfit, there is no suitable decoration. If you have ever done something with your own hands, this master class will be able to help you more than once, the next time you won’t find what accessories to wear under the dress. Today I will teach you how to make an original bracelet with classic pearl beads. However, if you need an accessory for clothes of a different style, then changing the beads and the color of the chains will completely change the style of the bracelet.
To make you must have:
• Wide chains, approximately 40-50 cm long, depending on the thickness of the wrist. This chain was enough for me for four segments.
• Strong fishing line, I took fishing, and not for jewelry, it is stronger.
• Lock and two rings.
• Pliers.
• Beads.

First of all, we divide the chain into four equal parts. I have chains of different shades, but you can have the same ones as you like best.

The ends of the chains, leaving several rings of the outer chains on top, are threaded into a pin, it will be easier to work. Now we pass the fishing line into the rings of the chain and insert the beads between the chains.

When the beads are along the entire length of the chain, we finish the bracelet by connecting the rings of the outer chains with those in the middle and between each other to make a whole chain at the end of the bracelet.

It turns out here is such a bracelet. It remains to attach the lock.

We put the rings in the middle link of the chain and insert the lock in them.

Now the bracelet is ready. Such an original decoration is perfect for a classic dress, a formal suit or even an extravagant outfit. You can make or pick up similar earrings to them and there will be a great kit.

Do not be afraid to experiment with the color of beads, you can alternate multi-colored beads with each other and the result will surely please you.


Watch the video: Top Stylish beautiful girls bracelet Diamond watch designs collection 2019 (January 2025).