Decor bottle "Golden Sunflowers"


Beautiful things attract attention. And beautiful things made by hand are pleasant not only for the eyes, but also for the soul. They do not have factory stereotypes and facelessness, but there is always a place for creative imagination and a non-standard approach to standard things. And this author's products are beautiful. Recently, one of the most popular types of needlework is decoration of ordinary objects that are in the house of each of us: caskets, flower pots, kitchen utensils. I would like to offer my own version of the original decoration of a glass bottle.
For work, we need oil paints, an ordinary glass bottle, clay for modeling, floss threads, wooden sticks (breaking a dried branch of any tree), brushes, stationery knife, super-glue, scissors, varnish.

First, create a background - paint the bottle in a dark green color. It approaches the theme of composition and remarkably emphasizes the main details. Paint is best applied in two or three layers so that it does not shine through.

The oil dries for a long time and during this time you can prepare decorations. Cut a small piece from the clay bar and knead in water until it becomes soft like plasticine. Now we sculpt separately the leaves and the core of the sunflower. Until the clay has dried, it is very plastic, and all the details are perfectly bonded to each other. After the sunflower flower is made, from the remaining clay we sculpt two or three large leaves that will be attached to the stem. So that the clay does not stick to your hands during operation, your fingers need to be moistened with water from time to time. Also, using water, you can give the product smoothness and hide fingerprints on the surface, but I intentionally left a little relief.

During the day, the clay will dry and you can paint the products with oil paints (they are brighter and more saturated) or gouache (it dries quickly).

Now with a clerical knife we ​​cut a dry branch into small sticks - about 3 cm in length (I did this in advance). We carefully knit the wooden sticks with the mouline thread to make a kind of fence. We fasten until the row completely bends around the bottle. It is not necessary that the sticks be perfectly even and the same in height.

We glue clay ornaments to the bottle, and we connect the edges of the wooden fence behind the threads.

With oil paints we draw a stalk of a sunflower and a few other large green leaves. Add a little yellow for expressiveness.

From the mouline thread of the same orange-golden color weave a pigtail 10-15 cm long. We wrap it around the neck of the bottle and tie it to a knot. The lid is painted in brown or gold color.

This completes the decoration of the bottle. For greater strength and better preservation, it is possible to coat the entire bottle or individual parts with varnish, although oil paints are quite resistant without additional coating.


Watch the video: 67 DIY Waste Glass Bottle Decoration ! Craft ideas room decor (October 2024).