Children's clay crafts "Piglet"


Does the child like to sculpt clay crafts? It's good. Only such works of art are one-day. When the room is warm, the clay melts, changes shape, and it can also stain expensive furniture. Why not exchange clay for natural clay material? The product is more solid, the work is more fun, and the result retains its original appearance for a long time. We offer an idea for crafts made of clay, based on the tale "Three Little Pigs." We begin the character modeling from the head. On a round and slightly flattened muzzle we put on a flat patch with two holes. We make the nostrils a match. Ears of Naf-Naf in the form of drops, pointed from the outside. If you leave your hearing organs round, then it is impossible to distinguish an animal from a bear. And the patch does not help. In the presented embodiment, Naf-Naf shows everyone a flat tongue. Part of the crafts is ready. From the side of the neck we insert a toothpick into the head.

The body should be larger than the head in size. We make it round and flattened. Two hands - clay tubes placed on each side. Since the pig is fabulous, we put on a shirt on it, that is, rolled up clay stripes highlight the sleeves and the bottom of the clothes. In addition, we designate a place for buttons. Done.

We stick our head on a toothpick (match) in the neck area, as in the photo.

We sculpt massive legs, bend the feet at about 90 ° С.

With the help of a half of a match, we attach the legs to the body.

In the picture, the souvenir is depicted in a sitting position.

We send the finished craft for a day to dry in a secluded place. When the clay becomes lighter, it's time to color the pig. In the image, Naf-Naf became multi-colored due to the usual watercolor and brush. They painted eyes, painted tongue.

It turned out to be a good craft. You can take on the creation of the pig brothers Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf. Children will love the clay modeling of these characters. A simple and exciting lesson contributes to the creative development of the child. The use of natural materials, natural products allows you to feel and see nature, which is very important for modern children.
