Angel in a ball of threads


I like to work with threads the most, they are the most malleable and versatile material for crafts. Once I tried to make a ball of thread and it worked pretty well. Then the question arose of filling it. You can make a spring composition by placing original flowers using quilling technique in the middle. Another option is to complement the ball with a white angel of threads. I bring to your attention these beautiful decorative ornaments.
For work, you should prepare the following components:
- medium-sized balloon;
- a tube of PVA glue;
- a flat plate for glue;
- scissors;
- threads for knitting bright colors.

First I will tell you how to make a ball of threads. Take the balloon and inflate it, do not forget to tie it tightly so that it does not suddenly deflate. Pour PVA glue into a flat plate, dilute it with water a little.

Choose the brightest and most beautiful thread (in the photo it is dark lilac), begin to gradually immerse it in glue and carefully wrap it around the ball. Try to completely saturate the thread with glue. So many threads need to be wound around the base so that the balloon can be seen in some places. As soon as you finish winding the threads, cut the end and fix it near the tail. Lubricate the entire surface of the substrate once again with a generous layer of PVA glue.

Put the finished base on a plastic bag and place the ball near a warm battery for the whole night.
When the threads are completely dry from the glue, remove the rubber ball. To do this, just cut off the tail.

Now you need to cut a hole in the foreground. This may be 1/4 of the total volume of the product.

If you decide to place a spring composition in a ball, then take bright flowers made using the quilling technique. And attach them as shown in the photo. Do not forget to glue a beautiful braid in the form of delicate flowers along the perimeter of the cut edge.

If you want to decorate the ball with an angel figure, then at this stage I will describe the process of its manufacture.
So, take a white thread for knitting and wind it in a circle on any solid foundation. Enough will be 40-45 turns of thread. It turns out a workpiece with a length of 18 cm.

Cut the threads from one edge using an office knife. Tie the pieces in the middle with thread.

Separate the head of the pupa and bandage it.

Make a second skein of thread. To do this, take a warp 10 cm wide and wind the thread about 20 times. This time you don’t need to cut, it’s just important to carefully remove the threads from the warp. It turns out the wings of an angel.

Weave the braid of their six threads - these will be the hands of the chrysalis. Place this blank near the wings. Even at this stage, you need to bandage the waist in the middle of the product.

It remains only to decorate the craft. Take a gold thread, form a belt from it, bracelets on the arms and hair of an angel.

Now fix the craft in the center of the ball of threads. You can just hang an angel by the belt. Here is such a beautiful decorative composition obtained from ordinary knitting threads. Suitable as a thematic gift on name day (angel day).


Watch the video: Spun Sugar - Decoration Sugar - By Vahchef @ (October 2024).