They made bags out of floppy disks, put them like cup holders, turned the metal cores of magnetic disks into parts for the admin's tambourine, and used the magnetic disks instead of light filters to look at the sun. About what happened to me when art and geekiness met in my head and was written in this post.

I like to draw. I have a great many markers, pens, and pencils, and at some point I realized that I wouldn’t have enough usual coasters and pencil cases, of which there are a lot in office supplies. I wanted something of my own and tailored to my needs. It all started when I read a post on the life hacker about the stand for pens from floppy disks. It is done very simply - five floppy disks are taken and interlocked with rings to each other. I improved the circuit and did not couple them, but glued them together. The stand made using this method was later modified by adding a cap on an adhesive tape to a box for erasers.

One stand was not enough, and I made another one, replacing the bottom diskette with a CD, this increased stability, and this looks good. Later, I made another stand according to the old method and glued it to the new one, additionally adding several partitions from the same diskettes inside. For two years now, she has been serving me on the table faithfully.

But this was not enough, and then I began to make more coasters. Another CD was added to the CD, which thickened the bottom, made it beautiful from the bottom and further improved stability. A piece of paper was placed between the discs so that nothing fell out in the center of the "pancake". To connect the stands with each other, part of the disk was sawn off on both sides. Then I immediately sawed off the corner of the disk and did not use extra diskettes to connect the two stands, and made them immediately linked, the wall between the boxes was two in common. Partitions were designed for different markers, from thick to thin. Here is a train now flaunting on my table.

But the pens became more and more and wanted to make an even more convenient stand. Having taken out a specially purchased box of floppy disks, I decided to make a stand, which was at an angle. The methodology was the same as for the very first time - a box with a bottom made of a floppy disk or cardboard (for the original look), separators from floppy disks, but two more disks were attached to the side, which hold the stand at an angle. The first time I used small self-tapping screws, but even managed to torment myself with them, the second time I glued them. The coasters turned out
incredibly comfortable and take pride of place near the laptop.

At an angle, the ink deteriorates less and it is more convenient to get drawing sticks, besides, you can immediately see the color or thickness.

Now I’m thinking where to use the old sidyuki and dividends, of which I have accumulated a great many. Not really make the same tambourine?
Ana Buigues from Spain found a rather interesting application for old diskettes.

She makes notebooks from old floppy disks and sells them in an online store for $ 5 and $ 7, depending on the number of pages.

It looks pretty sympathetic.

Here is such an original idea for a homemade notebook.
Another use for old floppy disks is the bag!
Such a bag does not seem too convenient, but the design, as they say, requires sacrifice.
