Four Microwave Welding Machine


A full-fledged welding machine can be assembled from four microwaves. Find them in our time is not difficult, models may vary. The design is not complicated, you do not have to disassemble the transformer cores. Such a homemade welder is quite capable of providing a current of 200 A, which is excellent enough to maintain stable arc burning.

It will be required to assemble the device

  • Four transformers from microwave ovens.
  • A wire with an outer diameter of 7 mm, with an inner diameter lived 4.5 mm (16 sq. Mm.) - 13 meters.
  • Network wire 1.5 sq. mm - 2 meters.
  • Electrode holder and ground clip.

Welding Machine

We disassemble the microwave ovens and remove the transformers from them. None of them will be needed. On average, each transformer has a power of 800-1000 watts. All of them are step-up, which means the secondary winding has a greater number of turns. Usually it is on top, but there are exceptions, so be aware.

We cut it off with a grinder on both sides. This can be done with a hand hacksaw.

On the one hand and on the other.

To remove the central part, we use a drill. we drill a hole and knock out the remains of the wire. There is also a third between these two massive windings. It consists of several turns and serves to glow the cathode of the magnetron. We also delete it, it is not needed.

Transformers are prepared for further winding. But before that, I recommend checking the resistance of all windings - it should be approximately equal for all four. And it will not be superfluous to also check the short circuit to the core, you never know ...
So we secure ourselves and check whether we have damaged the windings under mechanical stress. Or if someone did this before us if you found these microwaves in an unknown state.

Take a wire of 16 squares and a length of about 13 meters.

With this wire we wind the windings on all transformers in series and in one direction. A total of 32 turns should be obtained, 8 for each transformer.

There should be approximately one meter ends of the wire for connecting the clamp and holder. We place transformers in the form of a square.

We connect all network windings in parallel to each other. The most important thing is to connect everything correctly, otherwise the transformers will work in antiphase.

Turn on the network. We measure the voltage at the output. It should be approximately equal to 30-32 V. If it is radically different - check the inclusion of all windings.

Check with a tick ammeter short circuit current. Of course, it is problematic to measure it, since the wire heats up sharply, but the device shows 326 A. The current during arc burning will naturally be less.

The welding machine is almost ready. Take a wooden plank and screw all the transformers to it with screws.

From a round stick and thick steel wire we will make a handle for carrying.

To the output wires of the secondary winding, we fasten the purchased electrode holder and ground clip. And to the input of the primary windings we attach a network plug.

Welder Testing

We take the electrode three

We will try to weld a piece of thick steel to a steel corner.

The arc burns quite steadily.

Everything was welded well.

We weld two steel thick studs.

I am not a professional welder, so it turned out not quite evenly. The main thing is that everything is working properly.

This welding machine does not have current control, there are other disadvantages, but it will do for home use. Bye! See you soon!


Watch the video: DIY Arc Welding Machine - 4pcs Microwave Transformers (October 2024).