New life of an old computer disk


95% of the world's population have personal computers, and with them many digital media for storing information. One of these devices is a computer disk, which, like any other thing, has its own life. Moreover, it is easy to damage. One or two scratches - and you can send to the landfill. And discs with outdated information? It’s a pity to throw it away, but there’s nowhere to use it, so it is uselessly gathering dust on a shelf, taking up space and exacerbating the mess. Familiar situation? Then it's time to conduct an audit in the house and turn old computer disks into wonderful little things that will decorate your interior.
Candlesticks "Winter-Summer"
To make candle holders you will need: a pencil, a lighter or matches, self-adhesive paper, glitter nail polish, super-glue, attributes for decoration (beads, tinsel, cones, bows, flowers) and, of course, the main characters of our project are old computer drives. Choose materials for decoration based on your design idea.

The first stage of work is the manufacture of the foundation. We take a disk and give it the desired shape with a lighter and a pencil. Consistently melt the edges of the disk, bending them to the center so that a peculiar bowl forms as a result.

From a self-adhesive paper, cut out a circle of suitable diameter and glue the middle of the disk.

Next, decorate our candlestick. ("Winter" - tinsel, cones, spruce twig, bow, boot. "Summer" - artificial flowers, leaves, stones or beads, butterflies.) All elements are fixed with super-glue.

Add shine to our candlesticks with a few drops of nail polish.

The final touch - insert the candle and light it. Our creative Winter-Summer candlestick is ready.

Cup stand "Funny balls"
Which of us does not like to spend the morning sitting at a computer table with a cup of fragrant tea? And you know very well that a hot cup leaves stains on the countertop. So why not make a bright and positive stand?
For the manufacture of one stand, "Funny balls" you will need: 2 computer disks, a skein of colored thread, super-glue, 1 cotton bud, 2 medium beads, 2 buttons.

We glue two disks together so that only the silver side is visible. We attach a cotton swab cut in half to the wrong side, and close the void in the middle of the disk with a flat button.

We process the surface of the disc with glue and start to let the thread from the center to the edges (the movement of the thread is circular). We also do it on the other side. We string beads on the toothpicks and get our "Merry ball with knitting needles."

So, by turning on your fantasy, you will turn an unnecessary disk into a useful, uplifting little thing.


Watch the video: Give New Life to an Old Laptop: How to Upgrade Your Hard Drive to a SSD (October 2024).