How to quickly remove carbon deposits from the sole of the iron


You can find many ways on the Internet how to quickly remove carbon deposits from the sole of the iron. However, you need to understand that there is no universal tool to solve this problem.

This is due to the fact that, firstly, the soles of irons are different; secondly - soot itself can also be different.

In this review, the author shares the most effective and simple ways how to quickly remove carbon deposits from the sole of the iron. We recommend taking them for your own attention.

Remove carbon deposits with chlorhexidine

The first way to remove carbon deposits - with the help of a pharmacy drug chlorhexidine. This drug is worth a penny, but in most cases it helps well.

We take a piece of a rag, moisten it in chlorhexidine, and then we begin to wipe away soot. A little effort, and the result will not be long in coming.

Remove carbon deposits with boric acid

Using boric acid, it is also possible to quickly and easily remove carbon deposits on the sole of the iron. This product is sold in a pharmacy.

We repeat the same actions as in the first case: we take a rag, moisten it in boric acid and begin to wipe off the carbon deposits. You will notice the result almost immediately.

True, unlike the same chlorhexidine, in this case it will be necessary to rub a little longer - it all depends on the nature of the origin of soot.

Also, tools such as ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide (solution or in the form of a spray) help to quickly clean the soot from soot. But the most lethal remedy is the pharmacy drug vagotil.

For more information on how to quickly remove carbon deposits from the sole of the iron, we recommend that you watch in this video. Thanks for your attention.


Watch the video: How To Clean Iron Bottom - EASY (January 2025).