Felt cabbage


Felt is an amazing material from which you can sew a lot of gizmos, including vegetable or fruit crops. They will be useful in the house where there are children, because such felt things help in the education and development of children. And with such vegetables you can play story games - for example, grow your own "textile garden", harvest and send it to the store counter. If you want to captivate your child, let's start sewing cabbage from felt.
By the way, if your child has already grown up and mastered the basics of sewing, you can do needlework together.
You will need:
  • Felt green and a little white.
  • Thread, needle.
  • Paper for a pattern.
  • Filler holofiber.
  • Scissors.

Draw the details of the cabbage on paper and cut them out (see the shape of the pattern and the number of details in the photo).

Cut parts from felt.

Sew cabbage leaves (3 pieces) with a buttonhole stitch.

For a cabbage swing, sew 2 parts together, leaving a small area not sewn.

Turn out the part of the swing and fill it with holofiber.

Sew the part for the swing.

Sew the line in the snail stroke at the top of the swing (see photo).

Sew the leaves to the cabbage swing.
Round a white felt part around the edges, sew along the edge and pull the thread slightly.

Sew the white part to the base of the cabbage. The vegetable is ready.

Your child will be delighted with such a cute toy that you made with your own hands, even if you did not immediately succeed, as you would like. For the manufacture of vegetables, try to choose the felt of the appropriate colors, so that the child has the correct idea of ​​real products. Do not stop there, fantasize and create new vegetable masterpieces from felt. Good luck


Watch the video: 펠트 양배추 만들기 felt cabbage (October 2024).